Equine CranioSacral Workshops Equine CranioSacral Workshops
List of CCS Practitioners - Maureen Rogers, Equine Consultant
Return to the Equine CranioSacral Therapy home page What's New at Equine CranioSacral Therapy Press Releases Benefits of Equine CranioSacral Therapy Maureen Rogers' biography and qualifications Workshops offered by Equine CranioSacral Therapy Equine Practioners approved by Maureen Rogers of Equine CranioSacral Therapy Articles on the subject of Equine CranioSacral Therapy Headshaking Links and resources for you from EquineCranioSacral.com How to contact us at Equine CranioSacral Therapy

Listed below are those canine practitioners who have completed certain requirements and have been approved by Maureen Rogers of Equine CranioSacral Workshops.

If you would like to be listed here, or if you are looking for a practioner in your area, and your area is not listed here, please contact Equine CranioSacral Workshops for more information.

Czech Republic

Sarka Seemannova
Area(s) covered: Czech Republic
Phone: +420 602 344 911
Email: sarka@foreverfree.cz
Website: www.foreverfree.cz (Under Construction)
Completed: CCS1, CCS2, CCS3


Gwenny de Best
Phone: +31 6 5111 4665
Email: gwennydebest@ziggo.nl
Website: Holi Horses
Completed: CCS1, CCS2, CCS3

Linda Boggie
Area(s) covered: Deventer, Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)570 623 433
Email: welkom@dierenartsdeventer.com
Website: https://www.dierenartsdeventer.com
Completed: CCS1

Tieke Jetten
Area(s) covered: Netherlands/Holland
Phone: +31 6 4700 4042
Email: t.jetten@diersaam.nl
Website: www.diersaam.nl
Completed: CCS1, CCS2, CCS3

Eva Knops
Area(s) covered:
     the Netherlands: Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Gelderland,
     Zuid-Holland (other areas on request).
     France: Normandie during summer period and on request.
     Belgium: Limburg, Luik (other areas on request).
Phone: +31 6 4932 1318
Email: evaknops1983@yahoo.fr
Completed: CCS1

Sabina van Loon
Phone: +31 6 1772 7365
Email: ttouch@live.nl
Website: www.sabinavanloon.nl
Completed: CCS1, CCS2, CCS3

Ingrid Timmermans
Phone: +31 6129 79285
Email: info@ittom.nl
Website: www.ittom.nl
Completed: CCS1, CCS2, CCS3


Anette Torjussen
Phone: +47 9969 5780
Email: post@dyriskhelse.no
Website: Dyrisk Helse
Completed: CCS1, CCS2

United Kingdom

Jacqui Drew
Area(s) covered: Midlands and elsewhere
Phone: +44 7709 337 047
Email: K9craniosacral@gmail.com
Completed: CCS1, CCS2

Equine Craniosacral Therapy - Maureen Rogers, Equine Consultant
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